Roberta Allen Art & Writing & One-on-One Workshops

One-on-One Creative Writing Workshops on Zoom
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My pioneering methods are simple and easy to follow. They have helped beginning and seasoned writers for 40 years. I will guide you one step at a time. You may write micro, flash and short stories, novels, creative nonfiction, speculative fiction and hybrid or experimental prose. You will learn the fundamentals or improve your craft. Every class is tailored to your particular needs. You will read out loud and get feedback at each session through discussion and critique. Thousands have used my methods in classes at The New School where I taught for many years, at Columbia University and through my guide FAST FICTION (in English and German) which fostered the widespread use of prompts.
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"A year ago I was a beginning fiction writer. I never imagined that writing fiction could be so exciting and how much I could learn in a very short time. Roberta's enthusiasm and guidance through the entire project spurred me on, inspired me from the first exercises to her comments, our discussions and her critiques on each draft, A year later, we are still working together.
-- Britt Ciampa, Visual Effects Artist and musician
"You are always insightful and most perceptive commenting on all students' work which gives me the confidence to explore without fear."
--Marilise Trotto, Actor
"You have inspired me beyond words! Thank you for starting me on this journey."
--Francine Witte, Author of many books, including The Way of the Wind, a flash novella, and Dressed All Wrong for This, flash fiction.
"Roberta really tunes in to each writer and almost by osmosis knows what each one wants to say even before the writer does."
--Susan Shaw, Artist & published writer
"What you taught me over the years was invaluable. Your encouragement and guidance motivated me to keep writing."
--Larry Silberfein, Creative Director & published short story writer
"Roberta's insightful feedback has greatly improved my writing."
--Paul Wirhun, Artist
"Roberta has been an enormous help and inspiration on my novel. She has helped me make a clear and concise outline so I see the trajectory of the plot. Within each scene, she helps me further the plot and development of the characters."
--Stephanie Hart, author of Mirror Mirror, a collection of Memoirs and Stories
"I never thought I had the talent to write until I had Roberta's guidance and support."
--Lisa Grossman, Life Coach, Writer
"Roberta helped me push through writer's block and tell the stories I wanted to tell. Her classes were invaluable."
--Will Ryman, Artist and Playwright
"Roberta's simple techniques and prompts inspired me to write micro fictions. I came away with ten micro stories and a new confidence."
--Judyth Emanuel, author of the novel, Yeh Hell Ow