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C U R R I C U L U M  V I T A E



THE TRAVELING WOMAN, Vehicle Editions, NYC, 1986. Short short fiction. 128 pages.
THE DAUGHTER, Autonomedia, Brooklyn, NY, 1992. Novella-in-short short stories. 128 pages.
CERTAIN PEOPLE, Coffee House Press, Minneapolis, MN. 1997. Short short fiction. 117 pages.
THE DREAMING GIRL, Painted Leaf Press, NYC, 2000. Novel. 125 pages.

      Ellipsis Press, 2011. 142 pages. 

THE PRINCESS OF HERSELF,  Pelekinesis Press, Claremont, CA, 2017. Stories, 142 pages.




AMAZON DREAM, City Lights, San Francisco, CA, 1993. Travel memoir. 193 pages. A Quality
Paperback Book Club selection.
FAST FICTION: Creating Fiction In Five Minutes, Story Press, Cincinnati, Ohio, 1997. Writing Guide. 198 pages. A Quality Paperback Book Club selection.
     LITERATUR IN 5 MINULEN EIN SCHNELL-KURS, German Edition: Zweitausendeins Versand               Frankfurt, Germany, 2001, 268 pages.
THE PLAYFUL WAY TO SERIOUS WRITING: An Anything-Can-Happen Workbook To Inspire And Delight, Houghton Muffin, Boston, MA, 2002. Writing Guide, 200 pages.
THE PLAYFUL WAY TO KNOWING YOURSELF: A Creative Workbook to Inspire Self-Discovery, Houghton Muffin, Boston, MA, 2003. Writing/Self-Help, 208 pages.

FIRST IT HAPPENS, THEN I MAKE  IT UP, Chapbook, Button Hole Press, 2023, 27 pages


"Life," HEALING VISIONS, Matter Press, 2023

"A Way to Go." BIG OTHER ANTHOLOGY 2019,, John Madera, Editor & Publisher. Online.

"The Beheading,""The Fly." NEW MICRO: Exceptionally Short Fiction,  W.W. Norton & Co. Publishers. 2018, pp. 71-74.

"Thanksgiving," FROM SOMEWHERE TO NOWHERE: The End of the American  Dream, Autonomedia, Brooklyn, NY,  2017, pp

"Everything in the World there is to know is known by something--but not by the same knower,"

AH: ANTHOLOGY OF AMERICAN HAIKU, Poems-For-All Press. 2019. 

"Every Man's Nightmare." IN LIKE COMPANY: THE SALT RIVER REVIEW & PORCH ANTHOLOGY, Mat Hat Press, Asheville, NC, 2015, p 145.

“Odd.” PUZZLES OF FAITH, PATTERNS OF DOUBT, Editions Bibliotekos, Feb. 2013. pp. 137-142.
“Hot.” THE UNBEARABLES BIG BOOK OF SEX, Autonomedia, Brooklyn, NY, 2012, pp. 169-173.
“Forbidden Territory.” HARP & ALTAR, Ellipsis Press, Jackson Heights, NY, 2010, pp. 49-51.
“Little Devil,” LOST AND FOUND (2): Stories From New York, Mr. Beller’s Neighborhood Books/W.W. Norton, NYC, 2009, pp. 135-138.
“Marzipan,” CREATIVE WRITING: FOUR GENRES IN BRIEF, Bedford/St. Martin’s Press, NYC, 2008, pp 97, 101-102, 105, 109, 111, 116, 119, 120, 126, 131, 137.
“Fear,” HEIDE HATRY: Heads and Tales, Charta Art Books, Milan/New York, 2008, pp. 22, 24, 25.
“Anneka,” “Stars.” RIVERINE: An Anthology of Hudson Valley Writers. Codhill Press. New Paltz, NY, 2007. pp.  125, 126.
The Pact,” “Impostor,” and “The Wound.” UP IS UP BUT SO IS DOWN: New York’s Downtown Scene 1974-1992. New York University Press, 2006. pp. 168, 222.
“The Sky Was So Blue.” 110 STORIES: New York Writes After September 11th, New York University Press, 2002, pp 26, 27.
“In The Madman’s House.” NEW YORK SEX: STORIES, Painted Leaf Press, NYC, 1998, p 109.
“Daydream,” MICRO FICTION, W.W. Norton, NYC, 1996, p 28-29
“Arapaime.” THE UNBEARABLES, Autonomedia, NYC, 1995, p 169.
“Barbie.” MONDO BARBIE, St. Martin’s Press, NYC, 1993, p. 170.
“Brief Encounters.” BORDER LINES, Tales of Exile & Home, Serpent’s Tail, London, England, 1993, pp 185-189.
“From Woman In The Shadows.” BETWEEN C & D, Penguin Contemporary American Fiction, NYC, 1988, pp 135-140.
“From The Traveling Woman.” WILD HISTORY, Tanam Press, NYC, 1985, pp 70-83.
”Gypsies”, “A Real Act.” CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN FICTION, Sun & Moon Press, Los Angeles, CA, 1983, pp 230-233.



Long-listed for the Gordon Burn Prize, UK, 2017- 2018 for The Princess of Herself

Honorable Mention, Glimmer Train's 2017 Short Short Fiction Contest for "Ava"

Honorable Mention for "Forgotten," 2015 Gertrude Stein Award for Fiction

Honorable Mention, Glimmer Train's December 2015 Fiction Open for "Weird"

Honorable Mention, Glimmer Train’s June 2011 Fiction Open for “Odd.”
Tennessee Williams Fellow In Creative Writing/Writer In Residence, University of the South, Sewanee, TN, 1998.
Virginia Center For The Creative Arts, Residency Fellowship, Amherst, VA, 1986, 1994, 2005, 2010.
Yaddo Residency Fellowship, Saratoga Springs, New York, 1983, 1987, 1993.
LINE (National Endowment For the Arts & New York State Council) Grant for The Traveling Woman, 1985.


Adjunct Assistant Professor, The Writing Program, New School University, 1992 to 2010. Short Short Stories, Summer 1992 - Spring 2003;  Micro Memoirs, Summer 2003 - 2010. On site & Online.
Adjunct Instructor, Eugene Lang College, New School University, NYC, 2000. Short Short Stories.
Adjunct Assistant Professor, School of the Arts, Columbia University, NYC, Sept. 1998-May 99. Short Prose Forms.
Adjunct Instructor, The Writing Center, School of Professional Studies, New York University, NYC, 1993-00. Five Minute Fiction.
Creative Writing Fellow, University of the South, Sewanee, TN, 1998. Short Short Stories.
Private Workshop Instructor, Roberta Allen Writing Workshops, NYC, 1991 to present. Short Shorts, Short Stories, Memoirs, Novels.
Instructor, The Writer’s Voice, West Side YMCA, NYC, 1991-97, 00. Fast Fiction.
Adjunct Writing Instructor, Liberal Studies, Parsons School of Design, NYC, 1986.


Department of Interdisciplinary Arts, Sweet Briar College, Amherst, VA, 2005.
International Women’s Writing Guild Conference, Skidmore College, Saratoga Springs, NY, 2002.
English Department, Fordham University, Lincoln Center, NYC, 2002.
New Arts Program, Kutztown, PA, 2001.
English Department, Binghamton University, SUNY, Binghamton, NY 2001.
Summer Writers’ Conference, Fiction, Hofstra University, Hempstead, NY, 1998, 2002.
English Department, C.W. Post College, Brookville, Long Island, NY, 1997.
University of the South, Sewanee, TN, 1997.
English Department, State University of New York, Plattsburgh, NY, 1997.
The Open Center, NYC, 1995, 2002.
English Department, Murdoch University, Perth, Western Australia, 1989.
English Department, Curtin University, Perth, Western Australia, 1989.
English Department., University of Western Australia, Perth, Western Australia, 1989.
New Art Series Program, Kutztown University, Kutztown, PA, 1986.


"Slugs," Journal of Compressed Creative Arts, Dec. 2024, Online.

"Far From Albania," Gargoyle Magazine Online, To Come 2025

"A Common Raven," "Ben," "Night Terrors," Litmosphere, Sept. 2024 

"The Threesome," South Florida Poetry Journal, Online Aug. 2024 

"Amulet on the Island of Kanum," Exacting Clam, Online 2024

"Soulless," Gargoyle Magazine, Online. June, 2023, Online.

"What Is (Not) Made Up," New World Writing Quarterly, Online, Apr. 6, 2023

"Three Amulet Stories," (Isan, Selabi, Busam), Evergreen Review, Online, June 2023

"Not So Good," "A Room," Gargoyle Magazine Online, #4, Winter 2023 

"Strange Things," Epoch Magazine, Vol. 69. Number 2, 2022 

"The Dream,"Journal of Compressed Creative Arts, Jan 24, 2022. Online.

"Amulet on the Island of Zulon," Amulet on the Island of Rikimati," "Confusion on the

Island of Putia," The Rupture, June 2021. Online.

"Amulet on the Island of Numa," Mikrokosmos Journal, May 2021. Online.

"The Connoisseur," Gargoyle 74, 2021.

"2 Amulet Stories: Amulet on the Island of Dajena," Amulet on the Island of Walapan,"

Exquisite Pandemic, 11/24/2020. Online.

"Almost Invisible," (with images), Mana Contemporary, 9/2019. Online.

"A Way to Go," Big Other, March, 2019, Online

"Weird," The Bennington Review, 2019.

"Easter Sunday," The Collagist, Issue 90, April 2017. Online.

"The Guest," The Brooklyn Rail, Feb. 2017. Online & in Print.

"Need," Conjunctions: 66. Affinity.The Friendship Issue 2016.

"What's Next?," Gargoyle, 40th Anniversary Issue, 2016.

"Three Amulet Stories: To Attract Men, To Gain Control, To Stop Self Deception" (with photographs), Kyso Flash, Oct. 2014. Online.

"Amulets from Imaginary Islands: To Ward Off Poverty, To Ward Off Confusion,"(with Photographs), Ginosko Literary Journal, #15, 2014. Online.

"Forgotten," The Collagist, Nov. 2013. Online.

"Five Amulet Stories: To Ward Off Poverty, To Ward Off Regret, To Ward Off Confusion, To Ward Off Worry, To Ward Off Aggression" (with Photographs), Moonshot, Issue 5. 2013. Online.

"To Ward Off Death," (Story with Photograph), Atlas Review, Issue 2, Sept. 2013, Online / In Print..96..  

“Odd,” ducts, Winter 2013. Online.

"Roberta Allen: Slide Show: Amulets: Love, Melancholy, Accident, Prosperity, Courage," (Stories with Photographs), The Literarian, #9, May 2012. Online.

“A Feather,” 100 Word Story. Aug. 2012. Online.
“Signs.” “Secrets.” Gargoyle 57, 2011. 239-242.
“The Princess Of Herself.” The Collagist. Jan. 2011. Online
“As Formless As My Fear.” Guernica, Dec. 2010. Online.
“Tear Me From Her Torn Self.” Skidrow Penthouse, 2011.
“Tear Me From Her Torn Self.” Glossolalia, 2010. Online.
“Instead,” “Valatie,” “Adventure Paradise,” Hamilton Stone Review #22, October 2010. Online.
“Stars.” Grey Sparrow. May 2010.
“Forbidden Territory.” Harp & Altar. May 2009. Online.
“Ego Shrinker.” Flash Magazine: The International Short-Short Story Magazine, University of Chester, Chester, UK, April 2009. 35.
“Ego Shrinker,” “Snakelike.” 751 Magazine. May 2009. Online.
“Surprise,” “Cold,” “Bad Things Will Happen If You Are Happy.” Skidrow Penthouse #10. 197-199.
“Barbeque.” New Ohio Review, Spring 2009. 103-105.
“The Man Who Carries The Dog.” Flash Fire 500. February 2009. Online.
“Suppose,” “Every Man’s Nightmare,” “The Right Side Of The River.” Salt River Review, October 2008. Online.
“The Decision” and “Normal.” Gargoyle 53, Summer 2008. 134-136.
“Nonviolent Communication.” Ducts, Summer 2008. Online.
“Surprise.” Chronogram, June 2008, 80.
“Killer,” “Living On The Edge,” and “Sylvia.” Big Bridge, March 2008
“The Opening.” Mr. Beller’s Neighborhood, December 1, 2007. Online.
“Hot” and “Thanksgiving.” The Brooklyn Rail, November 2007.
“Violence” and “Only Venting.” The Vestal Review Online, October 2007. Print, Winter 2008. 43,47.
“A Showgirl With Pasties.” The Saint Ann’s Review, Summer 2007. 83-89.
“Memory.” Chronogram, May 2007, 20.
“Anneka.”  KGB Bar Lit, Winter 2007. Online.
“Unfair To Apes.” Chronogram, February 2007, 60.
“My Town.” Flashquake, Sept. 2006. Online.
“Tomatoes.” Gargoyle, fall 2006, 107-109.
“A Foreign Woman.” SmokeLong Quarterly, June 2006. Online.
“Memory,” “The Threesome,” “Fer-de-lance,” “The Drive,” “Harmless.” Muse Apprentice Guild, Online. May 2003.
“One Woman: Three Stories: Obsession, Actias Luna, Antique.” Epoch, 2001, 357-363.
“Surreal.” Open City, Fall 1999, 53-54.
“The Pull.” Epoch, 1999, 217-219.
“The One-Armed Man.” The Ohio Review, 1999, 151-52.
“The Visitor.” America West, June 1998, 82,84.
“Wormlike Creatures,” and “Timbuctoo.” The World # 54, Winter 1998, 70-72.
“Africa” and “The Father.” America West, April 1998, 56,57.
“The Wrong One.” Gargoyle, Spring 1998, 20.
“The Way It Was” and “Despair”, and stories by private workshop students, Salonika, 1997, 30-46.
“Three Journeys: Prediction,” “Her Eyes,” “Three Foreign Women.” Confrontation, 1997, 304-306.
“Remark” and “The Unwashed Glass.” Bomb, June 1997, 80.
“Feeling.” ACM Another Chicago Magazine, 1997, 79.
“Intimacy.” The American Voice, Spring 1997, 11,12.
“The Litter of Leaves.” Caprice, 1996, 43.
“Without Fear” and “Selling God.” Chelsea, Winter 1996, 11-16.
“The Necklace.” Happy, 1996, 9.
“Sadness.” New Jersey Author of the Month, New Jersey Online,, Newhouse New Media, Dec. 1995.
“On The Night Train” and “In The Madman’s House.” The World, No. 50, 1995, 41,42.
“Mosquitoes,” “The Grasshopper,” “Frogs.” Private arts, Fall 1994, 232-234.
“Three Prose Poems.” Asylum Annual, 1994, 112.
“Life.” Fiction International, Fall 1993, 9-15.
“The Fly,” “The Cockroach,” “Tarantula.” Chelsea, Spring 1993, 7-9.
“The Fun House.” Mudflsh, 1992, 24.
“Bar Ecology.” Caprice, Spring 1992, 29-31.
“Them,” “The Beheading,” “Her Hair,” “The Man Who Was Left For A Cook,” Chelsea, Spring 1992, 130-132.
“The Words.” Short Fiction By Women, 1992, 37-40.
“House Hunting.” Fiction International, Winter 1991, 123-126.
“Certain People.” Chelsea, Winter 1991, 7-12.
“The Garden Party,” “The Pain Is Coming,” “Drawing.” Central Park, Winter 1991, 146-154.
“Where Anything Can Happen.” Praxis M, Perth, Western Australia, 1989.
“Marzipan,” “The Mugger,” “The Terrace.” Apalachee Quarterly, 1989, 62-67.
“Paradise” and “The Daughtez” Staten Island Review, 1988.
“In The Valley.” Between C & D, 1988, 34.
“The Lie.” Mudfish, 1988, 80.
“The Daughter.” Five Fingers Review, 1988, 72.
“Paradise.” The Fiction Review, No. 4, 1988, 9-10.
“The Pear.” Kalliope, 1987, 67.
“Apples & Bananas.” Brix, 1987, 9.
“The Daughter.” The Fiction Review, July 1987, 9-10.
“Marzipan,” “The Visitor,” “The Crisis,” “Earthly Pleasures.” Between C & D, Summer 1987, 20-24.
“Four Fictions. Helicon Nine,1986, 48-51.
“Spoiled” and “The Whore.” Between C & D, 1986, 30.
“Summer.” Waterways, Sept. 1986, 12-13.
“Seven Stories.” White Walls #14, 1986, 29-36.
“Seven Stories.” Continental Drifter, 1986, 8 1-87.
“Four Stories.” Exquisite Corpse, March-April 1986, 8.
“Four Stories.” Between C & D, Winter 1986, 28-30.
“Blinded,” “Sun,” “Eclipse.” Waterways, 1985, 58-60.
“Escape,” “Wrong.” Waterways, July 1985, 5-6.
“The Wound” and “On Board,” Between C & D, Vol. 2 No. 1, 1985, 26.
“The Doctor,” “Blinded,” “Who,” “Brothel.” Modernsense #2, Vol. 1, 1984, 17-20.
“The Traveling Woman,” “Sand,” “Wanting,” “Moment,” “Easter,” Sun,” “Reaction”, “Blouse,”
“Weirdness,” “Young.” White Walls #10/1l, 1984, 17-20.
“Fool,” “Trapped,”“Worry, ““Change.” Bomb #10, 1984, 76.
“Somersaults” and “Only Foreigners Wait In Line.” Appearances #10, 1984, pp 17-20.
“From Partial Portrait.” Benzene #8, 1983, 7-8.
“From Partial Portrait.” White Walls, #8, 1983, 15-23.
“From Partial Portrait.” Wedge, 1983, 12 page booklet.
“The Team,” “Girl In the Copy Shop,” “I Awake Into The Same Dream.” Shantih: The Literature of Soho, 1982 Vol. 4, 113.

Stories In Translation:

“Daydream, Roberta Allen from Micro Fiction,” Golestaneh, Iranian Cultural Monthly Online, In Farsi. Asad Amraee. 2011.
“Die Reisende. “(“The Traveling Woman”) Akzente, Carl Hanser Verlag, Munich, Germany. Ten
stories, February 1992, 73-78.



"Excerpts from "In This Room" by Roberta Allen" (memoir), Black Sun Lit, April 4, 2017. Online.

“9 Writers On Artists Who Inspire Them,” The Literarian, The Center For Fiction. Sept. 2012. Online.
“Where’s Dad?” Animal Farm NYC, March, 2011. Online.
“The Fat Jiggling Machine.” Mr. Beller’s Neighborhood. Jan. 25, 2011. Online.
“You Bet Your Life.” Mr. Beller’s Neighborhood. June 2010. Online.
“It Even Moves.” Mr. Beller’s Neighborhood. May 2009. Online.
“Bob A.” Mr. Beller’s Neighborhood. Feb. 09. Online.
“Little Devils.” Mr. Beller’s Neighborhood. July 08. Online.
“Dirty Magazines.” Mr. Beller’s Neighborhood, April 08. Online.
“Disgusting!” Mr. Beller’s Neighborhood, Jan. 27, 08. Online.
“Hotel Edison,” Mr. Beller’s Neighborhood, Dec. 15, 2007. Online.
_______ The MacDowell Colony Newsletter, Summer 2004, 7.
“Florida,” The Saint Ann’s Review, Summer/Fall 2004, 130-136.
“Amsterdam 1966.” Turnrow, 2002, 72-77.
“Iquitos, Peru, 1987.” The American Voice, 1998, 77-79.
“Mali: Adventure In West Africa. “The Sophisticated Traveler, The New York Times Magazine, Sept. 17, 1995, 24-27, 36, 38.
“Belize Diary.” Wildlife Conservation Magazine, The New York Zoological Society, May June 1993, 54,56,58.
“Heal Thyself.” Fast Track, New York Magazine, June 7, 1993, 25.
Statement on AIDS. City Lights Review, San Francisco, CA, 1988, 12.


Friedman, Donald, "Roberta Allen: Art and Language as One,"(article), July 27, 2021,

Loveday, Michael, "The Daughter by Roberta Allen (1992)," (Review), SmokeLong Quarterly (Online).

Bolick, Robert, "The Traveling Woman Book 1," 1-of-a kind Artist Book (Text & Images), Books On Books, Online. 

John, Steven, "Interview with Roberta Allen," New Flash Fiction,

Silverblatt, Michael, "Roberta Allen: The Princess of Herself," Bookworm, KCRW Los Angeles, CA,

March 22, 2018, live and online.

Madera, John, "My Year in Reading,", "The Princess of Herself," Dec. 20, 2017

_______Editor's Pick, New Pages, October 18, 2017

Zinnser, John, "Writing Anti-Stories: An Interview with Roberta Allen," Bomb Magazine, (Online), Oct. 11, 2017

Coleman, Janet, "Roberta Allen," (Radio Interview), Cat Radio Cafe, WBAI 99.5 FM, NY, Sept. 18, 


Weinstein, Susan, "Roberta Allen's The Princess of Herself & Samuel Beckett's Old Men Wearing Greatcoats," notanotherbookreviewblogspot, Aug. 3, 2017 (Online)

Coleman, Janet, (Radio Interview) Cat Radio Cafe, WBAI, FM Radio, NY, Sept. 18, 2017

Coleman, Janet, (Radio Interview) Cat Radio Cafe, WBAI, FM Radio, NY, June 13, 2016

Goodrich, Melissa, (Online Interview) "The Hair Stylist Who Fell Twenty Feet And Landed Upright: An Interview with Roberta Allen," The Collagist Blog, Dzanc Books, Jan. 22, 2014

McConnell, Suzanne, “The Dreaming Girl,” Web Exclusive, The Brooklyn Rail, Feb. 2012
Alger, Derek, “Roberta Allen”, Interview (Online), Pif Magazine, Jan. 1, 2012
Scapellato, Joseph, “She listens to the sounds that life makes”: An Interview-In-Excerpts With Roberta Allen, (Online), The Collagist Blog, Dec. 2011
_____”The Dreaming Girl,” (Online). Belletrista, Celebrating Women Writers. New & Notable. Dec. 2011
Coleman, Janet, (Radio Interview) Cat Radio Cafe, WBAI FM Radio, Nov. 28, 2011
Weiss, Ivan, “Roberta Allen: Layers & Lines,” Video Essay, (Online) Vimeo, 2011
Miller, D. Quentin, “The Dreaming Girl,” Review of Contemporary Fiction,  Fall 2011, 253.
Fontaine, Peter, “The Dreaming Girl by Roberta Allen,” (Online), The Collagist, Nov. 2011
_____”The Dreaming Girl,” (Online). The Midwest Book Review. Nov. 2011
Coleman, Janet, (Radio Interview), Cat Radio Cafe, WBAI 99.5 FM, NY, March 21, 2011.
Lenarciela, Ariana, (Online Interview), “Collagist Interview: Roberta Allen,” Blog, Dzanc Books, Jan. 24, 2011.
Tencarre, Kristi, (Online Interview), Creative Careers In The Arts, Roberta Allen, Creativity Portal. Nov. 3, 2010.
Poliakoff, Emily, (Online Interview), Persist: The Blog, Exploring the challenges of the creative mind in a world of commerce.. Peter Clothier. Aug. 18, 2010.
Smart, Paul, “Roberta Allen and friend Carolee Schneeman take the library,” Woodstock Times, Woodstock, NY, Aug. 28, 2008, 31.
____  (Radio Interview), The Morning Show, WDST FM, Woodstock, NY, May 18, 2007.
Denza, Katrina, (Online Interview), Smoking With Roberta Allen, Smokelong Quarterly, June 15, 2006.
______”Playful Writing Woodstock Workshops”, Woodstock Times, Woodstock, NY, June 8, 2006, 37.
Smart, Paul, “Follow The Arrows,” (article), Woodstock Times, Woodstock, NY Jan. 25, 2007, 14,15.
Grunther, Doug, (Radio Interview), The Woodstock Roundtable, WDST FM, Woodstock, NY,
February 12, 2006.
______“Woodstock Poetry Society Features Roberta Allen.” “Arts Notes,” Woodstock Times,
Woodstock, NY, Jan.12, 2006, 24.
Morrison, Florence, (TV Interview), Florence Morrison/Richard Roffman Show, Manhattan Cable
Channel 34, RCN Channel 107, NY, Jan. 20, 27, Feb. 3, 10, 2005.
Hardt, Mark, (Radio Interview) Writers On Writing, KUCI Radio, University of California, Irvine,
CA, March 18, 2004.
Morrison, Florence, (TV Interview), Florence Morrison Show, Time Warner Manhattan Cable Channel 34, RCN Channel 107, NY, Dec. 24, 31, 2003, March 24, 31, April 7, 14, 2004.
Oriend, Joel, (Radio Interview), The Joel Oriend Show, AM 1320 WHHO, Hornell, NY, Sept. 29,  2003.
Becker Holstein, Dr. Barbara, (TV Interview), The Enchanted Self, Manhattan Cable TV, Channel 67, July 14, 2003.
Cluthe, Scott, & Papin, Claire, (Radio Interview), Wisdom Today, Houston, TX, July 11, 2003.
Berman, Rick (Radio Interview) Undercover Club, Pittsburgh, PA, June 16, 2003.
Morrison, Florence, (TV Interview), Florence Morrison/Richard Roffinan Show, Manhattan Cable Channel 67, Oct. 20, 27, Nov. 3, 10, Dec. 1, 8, 16, 22, 2002.
______“Library Hosts Author Roberta Allen”, Port Washington News, Oct. 17, 2002.
Puckett, Samantha, “About Books”, “Sage & friendly advice for aspiring scribes.” St.Petersburg Times,
St. Petersburg, FL, Sept. 15, 2002.
Coleman, Janet (Radio Interview) Cat Radio Cafe, WBAI FM Radio, Sept. 9, 2002.
Garner, Dwight, “The Close Reader: A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius.” The New York Times Book Review, Aug. 11, 2002, 27.
______PW forecasts, Publishers Weekly, June 24, 2002, 53.
Curci, Paula, (Radio Interview) Calliope’s Corner, WHRU, Hofstra University, Hempstead, NY, July 11, 2002.
Mackey, Mary, “Jungle Dreams,”American Book Review, July/Aug 2001, 17.
Weston, Barbara, “The Dreaming Girl.” The Bloomsbury Review, May/June 2001, 24, 25.
_____Critic’s picks: “Sheila Kohier and Roberta Allen,” Books, Time Out New York; June 14-21,  2001.
Coleman, Janet, (Radio Interview) Cat Radio Cafe, WBAI FM Radio, April 4, 2001.
Olson, John, “The Dreaming Girl.” Rain Taxi Review of Books, VoL 6, No. 1, Spring, 2001, 44.
Carroll, James, (TV interview) New Arts Alive, AT&T Cable, Reading, PA Ch 13, AT&T Cable, Hamburg, PA; Ch 16, Service Electric Cablevision, Birdsboro, Fleetwood, Kutztown, PA; Ch 20, VCR Plus Ch 28, March 13, 2001; Manhattan Cable, Ch 34, Apr. 3,2001.
Rain, Heidi, “The Dreaming Girl, Roberta Allen.” Spirit of Change, Apr./May 2001, 58.
Morrison, Florence, (TV Interview) Florence Morrison/Richard Roffinan Show, Manhattan & Paragon Cable TV, Channel 67, March 26, April 2, 9, 16, 2001.
Foster, Ken, “Travels With My Taunt.” Village Voice, Books, January 30, 2001, 74.
Miller, Michael, “Roberta Allen.” Words, Voice Choices, Village Voice, January 9, 2001, 69.
Morrison, Florence, (TV interview) Florence Morrison/Richard Roffman Show, Manhattan & Paragon Cable TV, Channel 67, Oct. 23, 30, Nov. 6, 13, 2000.
______ “The Dreaming Girl.” Fiction, Publishers Weekly, Oct .23, 2000.
Shinder, Jason (Interview) FIRST BOOK MARKET, MacMillan, 1998, pp 193.
Almond, Steven, “Roberta Allen. Certain People. Coffee House Press, 1997.” Chelsea, #63, 1997, 153,154.
Dienstag, Eleanor Foa, “Fascinating Armchair Travel.” New Choices, June 1997, 20.
Barmann, Jay, (Radio Interview) Composed On The Tongue, WKCR FM, May 25, 1997.
Morrison, Florence, (TV interview), Florence Morrison/Richard Roffman Show, Manhattan & Paragon Cable
TV, Channel 16, March 31, 1997, April 7, June 30, July 7, Sept. 29, Oct.6, Jan. 4, 1998, Jan. 11, June 29, 1998, July 7, 1998, June 6, 13, 27, 1999
Winters, Laura, “Certain People & Other Stories.” The New York Times Book Review, March 23, 1997, 18.
______“Certain People.” Fiction, Publishers Weekly, Dec. 16, 1996.
Frauenglas, Robert A., “Amazon Dream.” SHE travels, Winter/Spring 1994, Vol. 1/No. 2.
______“Amazon Dream”, (review), The South American Explorer, no.6, 1994.
Frauenglas, Robert A., “Amazon Dream.” Reviews, Nonfiction, Small Press, Vol. 11, No. 3.Summer 1993.
Pommy Vega, Janine, “Amazon Dreamer.” (article) Woodstock Times, July 8, 1993, Section 2, 12.
Johnston, Tracey, “Women on the Move.” Bay Express Monthly Literary Supplement, Berkeley,  CA, March 1993, 1,3,6.
Dieckmann, Katherine, Paperbacks, “Truth or Dare.” The Village Voice Literary Supplement, March 1993, 28.
______“Amazon Dream.” The Bookwatch, February 1993, 7.
Futrelle, David, “South of the Border.” Los Angeles Reader’s Monthly Book Supplement, February 1993, 2.
Lopate, Leonard, (Radio Interview) New York & Company, WNYC, National Public Radio, February 18, 1993.
Cochenet, Lisa J., “Amazon Dream.” Library Journal, January 1993, p 150.
______“Amazon Dream.” Paperback Originals, Nonfiction Originals, Publishers Weekly, December 14, 1992.
D’Erasmo, Stacey, “The Daughter by Roberta Allen.” The Village Voice Literary Supplement, September 1992, 5.
Siegle, Robert, SUBURBAN AMBUSH: Downtown Writing And The Fiction of Insurgency, Johns Hopkins University Press, 1989, 26, 243, 314, 335, “Roberta Allen and The Traveling Woman,” 376-381, “The Woman In The Shadows,” 380-38.
Esther, Margaret, “Roberta Allen Emerges As A Writer.” (article) Women Artists News, Fall 1988,
Kirby, David, “Between C & D: new writing from the Lower East Side fiction magazine.” Library Journal, March 15, 1988.
Wickenhaver, Janet, “Getting Nowhere.” American Book Review, Jan-Feb 1987, 2.
Indiana, Gary, “Have Pain Will Travel.” The Village Voice, Books, December 23, 1986, 72.
“Metaphor in Midocean.” “Noted With Pleasure,” (Excerpt) The New York Times Book Review, June 22, 1986, 39.
Weinreich, Regina, (Radio Interview) WBAI Radio, August 1986.
Shaw, Janet, “Quicksilver Nightmares.” The New York Times Book Review, June 8, 1986, 36.
Hoffberg, Judith A., “The Traveling Woman.” Umbrella, CA, April 1986, 9-10.
______“The Traveling Woman.” Paperback Originals, Publishers Weekly, February 14, 1986.


"Double Take Panel: Writers Who Are Artists, Artists Who Are Writers," National Arts Club, New York, NY, May 2018


“Short Story Success: Collecting & Publishing Your Work,” Literary Horizons Panel, Housing Works
Used Book Cafe, NYC, sponsored by Poets & Writers, 1999.


Conceptual artist: See Art Biography.

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